Jun10201320122013grandmaUncategorizedDelighted to have photographs of my mother and grandmother featured in LAM (Light Architect Magazine): The Grandma Issue: Categories: 2012, 2013, grandma, UncategorizedBy Matthew SwartsJune 10, 2013Tags: beachgrandmagrandma issuegrandmotherhttp://matthewswarts.comLAMlight architect magazinelong beach islandmatthew swartsmothernew jersey Author: Matthew Swarts https://matthewswarts.org/ Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:Matthew Swarts + Le Journal de la PhotographieNextNext post:New Work: BethRelated PostsMATTHEW SWARTS + THEARTWORLDPOSTJune 21, 2024MATTHEW SWARTS + INSTITUTE OF NETWORK CULTURES (AMSTERDAM) + 1974+PrtScn: The Lazy Art of Screenshot (2022)January 3, 2022MATTHEW SWARTS + DEAR DAVE, (ISSUE 28)May 8, 2021Matthew Swarts + The Alternatives (2017) Book Project (IN PROGRESS!)February 28, 2017Matthew Swarts + CPAC (Denver): The Relationship ShowFebruary 6, 2017A Matter of Memory at the George Eastman Museum to open October 22, 2016September 22, 2016
MATTHEW SWARTS + INSTITUTE OF NETWORK CULTURES (AMSTERDAM) + 1974+PrtScn: The Lazy Art of Screenshot (2022)January 3, 2022